Friday, February 25, 2011

Backyard Wrestling Songlist


For BBC World, BBC World, Updated: 16/02/2011

Solar Dynamics Observatory of NASA, launched a year ago, picked up powerful images of the star.

Las luces navideñas iluminan el ayuntamiento de Seúl el 23 de diciembre de 2007. El Gobierno surcoreano prohibió toda iluminación 'no esencial', so pena de multa, ante la subida de los precios del petróleo alentadas por las revueltas en Oriente Medio y el norte de África, indicaron este lunes responsables gubernamentales.  Foto:Choi Won-Suk/AFP
The Sun has had its biggest eruption in four years, according to images captured by NASA.

The rash consists of the issuance of what is called an X-class solar flare, the strongest type, which can affect communications on Earth.

Solar Dynamics Observatory NASA, the U.S. space agency, released a year ago, picked up powerful images of the star.

They see an intense flash of ultraviolet radiation emanating from a spot called sunspot 1158, in a very active region in the southern hemisphere of the Sun

eruptions are expected to reach the Earth's magnetic field over the next two days , causing an increase in geomagnetic activity and allowing people living near the poles (ie north of England) to see auroras.

The huge blaze was reported on Tuesday February 15 and headed to Earth. According to the U.S. space agency, the source of this activity - Sunspot calls 1158 - are growing rapidly.
As explained by Paul Rincon, science correspondent for the BBC, preliminary data from the STEREO-B and the Soho spacecraft suggest the explosion was a quick ejection, but not especially bright coronal mass (CME), a burst of charged particles into space. "Awakening"

Experts warned that this phenomenon could create a geomagnetic storm around Earth's atmosphere, which could interfere with electrical power, networking and communications systems.

also means that the spectacular display of light in the night sky known as the aurora may be visible at lower latitudes than usual.

In 1972, a geomagnetic storm caused by solar flare disrupted long-distance telephone communications in the state of Illinois (USA).
And in 1989, another storm plunged to six million people in the dark in the Canadian province of Quebec.


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