Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tower Defence Not Blocked

problems faced by organizations in the knowledge society

Each productive transformation of mankind has brought its own challenges for companies. The Agricultural Revolution involved finding solutions to human settlements and land distribution, the industrial revolution in the assembly said thinking of the large factories, mass consumption and the global transportation, among others. Of course some of the most complex challenges have been caused by information and communications technologies that have promoted the economies of scale, global relationships and increasing volumes of information. Thus today cumulatively still working to solve these problems and we face the company's own knowledge, which we'll talk, placing them in the business domain. Our

companies, the vast majority, they face the following problems:

1. Employees spend a lot of time solving problems that others in your company can quickly resolve these already possess the knowledge, occurs due to ignorance of who knows what in the company.

2. The organization handles large volumes of documents, presentations and data, but nobody knows exactly where they are.

3. Employees accumulate a wealth of knowledge, with the latent risk of take it with you when they retire from the organization if it can happen at any time.

4. The organization operates, but its processes not repeatable, which does not allow to establish an adequate control.

5. Experts can not be moved to other positions, or replaced in a short time, because their knowledge can not be spread quickly.

6. Staff skills are extensive and costly. And they run every time you enter new staff.

7. The organization becomes static, not generate new products, processes do not improve, and not explore new markets.

Previous issues can be grouped into four categories that allow us to generalize these situations to find broader solutions: a.

Identification of knowledge: Who has the knowledge? Any person, group of persons, a vendor or a customer? Where can I find: a person or a book? (1.2) b.

Knowledge Capture: How do I find knowledge? What medium is preferable to capture, physical material: a book, a document or digital material: an electronic document, a system? How do you classify to ensure their availability? (3.4)

c. Dissemination of knowledge: What are the appropriate tools for dissemination: recordings or face training? "In one way: teacher - student or community? (5.6) d.

Creating new knowledge: How innovation incentives? How do I generate continuous improvement? (7)

We have exemplified some of the pitfalls that can confront a company and we have used a commonly accepted classification that can help us establish a cycle of knowledge useful to recognize new problems and to manage knowledge: identified, captured, providing a climate so that knowledge is disseminated and through the interaction will create new knowledge that the cycle again.

Source: http://hozcar.blogspot.com/2009/07/problemas-que-afrontan-las.html

SAS Corporate Knowledge
Mail: informacion@conocimientocorporativo.com


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