Monday, May 9, 2011

Sooners Wrestling Singlet

las PEÑAS TAURINAS americanas en congreso en MADRID

During the Feria de San Isidro
Madrid, site of the convention of the National Association of Clubs U.S. Taurinos
The organization meets half-century. The

Bullfighting National Clubs Association of the United States of America (NATC) has chosen Madrid during the San Isidro bullfighting festival to celebrate its 50 anniversary.
The NATC, composed of eleven clubs American bullfighting, seeks to establish relations with similar organizations in other countries and thus promote the development of the bullfight.
The clubs are:
"The Lovers of Los Angeles (founded in 1949, brings 62 years)
-Club Taurino of Chula Vista (founded in 1961, has 50 years)
-Peña Sol y Sombra de San Francisco (founded in 1962 , has 49 years)
-Barrera Bullfighting El Paso, Texas (founded in 1958, has 53)
-Club Taurino of Chicago (founded in 1961, has 50 years)
-Club Taurino of New York (founded in 1961, has 50 years)
-Taurine Bibliophiles of America (founded in 1964, brings 47 years)
The taurine-Peña Toriles (founded in 1968, has 43 years)
-Peña Taurine 'The Alley' (founded in 1999)
-New York City Club Taurino (founded in 2004) Taurine
Lupita López-Peña (founded in 2011)
The organization of this event corresponds this year to New York City Club Taurino. This club has a long tradition of holding events such as gala dinners in Manhattan, where they Luis Francisco last Esplá teachers, Vicente Barrera, El Fandi, José María Manzanares, Victor Mendes, Mario Carrión, El Fundi and livestock Victorino Martín García. Bullfighting also organized Pregones
Yorkers and as preachers have been Ignacio de Cossio, Juan Belmonte Luque and Carmen Elias. New York 2011 is the harbinger Francisco López León


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