Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dresses For Graduation Free Catalog



This has existed for one year its founder is Dr. Jose Antonio VIDAL MACE.
The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a restaurant born from the perspective that its owner had to create a new place, new and never before seen in Sahagun, something suitable for special occasions (weddings, teens, graduations, baptisms and events of all kinds).
Patti is a romantic place where you can enjoy the most special person an unforgettable meal.

Race 9 to 14 street corner downtown district.


Salads, soups, rice, fish of all kinds and more.


location, excellent facilities and good customer service.



His home was in the old country club in 2005, after elapsed time is transferred to the hospital in the coming which is currently located.
Its owner has been characterized by different companies perform in dining (Bogotá, Casanare, serromatoso, Urra and Cerrejón) specializes in international foods Bogota, began to prepare buffets for holidays or special occasions there arose the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a restaurant its name was designed with what is offered there as all your prepared meat on the grill is a large place with adequate space, room for all kinds of social event.


Avenida Diagonal hospital to the church Our Lady of Health.


fine meats, steak, sea bass, sea food and international cuisine.


excellent quality control areas, fine dining and customer service.



This is the oldest in existence for 34 years Sahagún, ie in 1975 came the owner the idea for the restaurant came because at that time there were places where working people have lunch.
His name was given that where formerly was a large white house.
is a welcoming place with family atmosphere is typical of the family Sahagun.


corner Calle 16 Carrera 9 neighborhood center.


Rice, soups, salads, supplies, juices and meat.


Meals savanna, good service, comfortable, homey place.


From this place know their origin and their original owners have moved to place the current owner could not supply the information we necessary since a few months of purchase.


corner Calle 15 Carrera 15 San Roque neighborhood.


Rice, soups, salads, supplies, juices and meat.


cozy, harmony, tranquility and good customer service.

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Card Sorting: Technical content categorization

organization To make a user-centric categories, the information architect has technical assistance in decision making, as is the so-called 'card sorting' cards or management.

The technique of 'card sorting' is based on observation of how users together and associate with each other a predetermined number of cards labeled with the different categories Theme of the website.

Thus, based on the behavior of the users, you can organize and classify information a web site according to their mental model.

Here you write the content.

Types 'card sorting'
We can distinguish between two types of 'card sorting': open and closed.

In the 'card sorting' open the user can freely include the categories in the number of sets you think necessary, while in the closed, groups or sets are predefined and labeled and the user only need to put each category in the group creating appropriate.

This second type of 'card sorting' is recommended to check if a classification information is familiar and understandable to the user, while the "Open" aims to discover what kind of classification of categories would be more correct.

Test Driving The first step is to recruit participants for the test. The selection must take into account these features and profiles should be consistent with the target audience of the website. No point having young participants and recent graduates in computer engineering, when the website is intended to be used by housewives, uneducated and elderly.

The number of participants in the test must be at least 5. The time allotted for the test depend on the number of categories to sort, although indicative, for 40 categories should allocate at least 20 minutes.

At the beginning of the test should explain to participants the objective of the test, and that this is not the assessment of the participants. In addition, participants indicated what should be the criterion for grouping of the categories by similarity.

then gives users the cards with the different categories, ensuring that each set delivered to each user is disordered (shuffled). Delivered to all users cards with a predefined can influence the form of management by the participants.

For 'card sorting' open type, once they have completed the test participants may be asked to give names to each of the groups created.

There are, likewise, software applications with which to carry out the virtual test, as EZSort or WebSort.

qualitative analysis of the results
This type of analysis can be performed when the participants as well as the number of categories, are not very numerous.

consists, first, to observe individually to each user during the test, and record all aspects of how each user organizes the cards, what problems have to do the job, which brings immediate and intuitive categories and questions about what else, what questions do during the test, etc.

then discusses "eyeball" the groups created by the participants, noting which categories most closely related to what categories according to the user's mental model.

Quantitative analysis of the results
This type of analysis is the statistical processing of data, and the subsequent "summary" of the results through graphical representations that facilitate their interpretation by the information architect. It is, therefore, a proper analysis to test a large number of participants and categories to sort.

first create a table of co-occurrences in a spreadsheet. In this one, with many rows and columns as the number of different categories, indicate the number of times each pair of categories have been placed in one group, resulting in a symmetric matrix as follows.

Then, on the co-occurrence table apply dimensional reduction algorithms such as clustering algorithms and multidimensional scaling (MDS), whose function is to simplify the relationships between categories to a number of dimensions easily interpreted by visual inspection (2D or 3D).

For the application of these algorithms have to have a statistical software package that allows it, such as SPSS or Statistica.

As can be seen in the figures, the result of applying clustering algorithm is a dendrogram, and the MDS geometric representation of the categories, separated according to their own di-similarity between them. Dendrogram (clustering), MDS (Multidimensional Scaling). Conclusions

technique 'card sorting' technique is a useful categorization of user-centric content, providing a double tool: to help decision making in the conceptual design phase (open card sorting) and to evaluate a particular organization of categories in usability evaluation stages (closed card sorting).


Here you write the rest of the content that is not vera.

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Hackers claim that iPhone security is poor

In a demonstration made Wired magazine experts were able to pull data from an iPhone 3G in a few minutes using free software.

Jonathan Zdziarski, developer of information retrieval applications on iPhone, told The Wired magazine that the data encryption system model of the popular 3G phone from Apple is more vulnerable than people think.

"Violating safety information and take the 3G iPhone is just as easy to as achieved in previous versions of this team," he told the magazine. Within

Apple highlights the advantages of 3G is just the improved security. According to Wired, in a press conference in which Apple unveiled its latest financial results, Tim Cook, vice president of operations of the company, revealed that the telephone is increasingly used within companies to work tasks. More than 35,000 businesses and 300 universities in the U.S. is used for corporate tasks, said Cook. However

Zdziarski says that using free software available publicly on the Internet is possible to obtain sensitive data from the iPhone in two minutes. "It's even possible to make an exact copy of the computer (and data) in 45 minutes," said the expert told the magazine.

The full report on

Source: Journal

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mi A Gta Iv Unlock Kódja

How is planning a Web site?

Recently, the true time newspaper, published in Section Enter an article in which stated verbatim " Having a website today is easier than putting a hot dog cart in a corner ." and not much to complain about it, because @ astromario trinkets made a collection of websites and found companies to develop content from 300 thousand pesos, down to the 75 000 .., not counting those that offer the service free with the aim of "providing access to technology" without realizing the damage they do to build shoddy sites with obsolete technologies and navigation .. Result .. Give the employer the impression that that is websites and that the explorer does not find anything useful on their sites, which eventually one side and the disappointment ..

That this offer 8 or 9 years ago (when it was thought that having a website was important and everyone ran to just put the About Us, we, products, services and contact form) or, is understandable, but do so now, where usability, navigability, accessibility, findability, users, web 2.0 and other terms are widely disseminated ... well and mash them in lack of awareness of the value represented by these mass media, and lack of social responsibility, where I believe they are worth and more processes fit training, consulting, and Internet usage for businesses, moderately useful sites reflect promotional endeavors by a large company.
Last week at a conference of Web Architecture, said a group of activities that are part of the process of creating a site, this Friday June 20th we will be in Medellin, offering this conference, in person and via the Web. This conference will highlight the items below:

  1. Business and the project,
  2. Brieff
  3. Ideas, requests, users, goals,
  4. Document
  5. project guide
  6. Benchmarketing competition or related
  7. Seo Information
  8. Study and content inventory
  9. Metatagging
  10. Defining structure, content or trees
  11. Navigation Systems Design skeletons, wireframes
  12. Navigation tests in print
  13. development platform Defining Adequacy
  14. tree to the platform
  15. Development Visual design
  16. mounting platform lift
  17. information content placement and optimization
  18. Continue to work
  19. Positioning Delivery Payment
  20. aftermarket services

Well, and this, surely considering that "Having a website is easier to put a hot dog cart in a corner." Try the two things the writer of the time, and many continue giving work, well, I do not give away what might be fair pay for what they do.

to all developers, designers and implementers of web solutions, I invite you to learn about Web architecture, standards and best practices.

The presentation of this conference are here:
A Salute

Edwin Bernal Holguin
Geosdigital Team